Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Hey there my Single Mom Soldiers! I guess you're a bit puzzled about the title, right!
Well, let me just explain my method for the madness, ok?  Have you ever got to a point in your '27' hour day that you just had to stop and say  'Kiss My A....!  No more bad news! Everybody can just Kiss My A...!

Ok, maybe, maybe not. For myself, I have and too many times to mention. But being the respectable person that I am, I never have said it loud enough for my seven year old daughter to hear or at least I don't think I have!
So, anyway,one day I came up with an idea to express how I'm feeling as a Single Mom with grace and dignity and still get my point across. There you have it! So, Kiss My Aspirin! 
'Boy that felt good!' I just wanted to let off some steam and post this for all  Single Moms, to let them know that you are not alone. You ALREADY have what it takes to conquer the world, one hair roller at a time.All you need is a little  extra BACKBONE, that missing VILLAGE.  Speaking of Village, check out
Its a wonderful new magazine that's ALL ABOUT US!
Anyway, In conclusion, just know that as a Single Mom there are no problems that will go unsolved, with FAITH, SUPPORT and telling some one to KISS YOUR ASPIRIN, every once in a while!
Ok, thank you for letting me vent!  Now, back to being a CREATRESS!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finding My Egyptian Goddess self

Who are YOU really? What do YOU feel ?
Are YOU feeling Pretty, Happy, Confident, Pure, Delicious? 
If no then why not? It's all up to you so what are YOU waiting 
for my friend, My GODDESS!  Don't wait anymore! 
Do your now, NOW!
I've decided to turn ME up. 
No more waiting for Romeo, Prince charming, 
new job or situation.
I'm doing Me!  
My MISSION is Now. 
So here we go! On your mark, Get ready, Get set , GROW!


My favorite Egyptian Goddess, Isis

Who is yours?

Responsible For

  • Motherhood
  • Marriage
  • Love
  • Sexuality
  • Health & Healing
  • Immortality
  • Magic

About Her Cult

Cult Center: Heliopolis, Philae (in Nubia)
Isis was celebrated at one festival called The Lychnapsia, the Festival of Lights, on August 12, to commemorate seeking her spouse in the darkness by torchlight, and her processions resembled those of Bastet.


Isis was the daughter of Nut, wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus. When Set killed his brother Osiris and set his body adrift in the Nile, Isis began her search for him.
When she found Osiris, Set learned of it and stole his body, chopped it into pieces, and threw it into the water again. Isis retrieved her husband and reassembled him. Because of her role in bringing him back to life, she usually appears in funerary scenes, either leading the deceased toward the afterlife (as shown in the photo of her with Nefertari to the right) or standing behind Osiris to greet the deceased.
Isis instituted marriage and taught women the domestic arts of grain-grinding, flax-spinning, and weaving. As mother-goddess, she introduced the practice of agriculture. Her early character as the Great Enchantress was reflected in her magic powers and in her knowledge of the arts of medicine, which she and Thoth taught to humanity.
Isis and Nefertari

Name in Hieroglyphics

Typically Isis' name in hieroglyphics includes the symbol for "throne" as the first character, and the symbol for "goddess" as the last one. The semicircle in between is a "loaf" symbol, which is pronounced like a letter "t". The literal translation of her name means, "She of the Throne," referring to Isis' position as Queen of the Gods. Sometimes the name is abbreviated to just the throne itself.
Other possible spellings exist, but the "throne" symbol is common to all of them.
Name in Hieroglyphics

Depicting Isis

Isis was often depicted in art nursing the infant Horus. With the advent of Christianity, many of the chapels of Isis were converted to churches, and images of Isis with her baby were reinterpreted to refer to the Virgin Mary holding Jesus.
Isis Nursing Horus

Friday, November 12, 2010

What I want for Janiyah

Hey There, It's me again.
Hope your day has been completely DELIGHTFUL.
I just wanted to share with you a poem that I wrote for my daughter Janiyah
a couple of years back. I was having a moment and I just wanted and needed to write,
to her, but as if she was already an adult reading it.  I realized that whatever you're feeling at that moment,
right then and there, if your Inspired to do it and it feels explosive and Sacred, then ,by all means DO IT!
Enjoy, Embrace, be Enlightened and if you don't mind, let me know what you think.
Thanks for sharing my Imagination with me.

What I want for Janiyah

My dearest Janiyah, 
I want you to remember
I want you to grow
I want you to challenge
I want you to know 
I want you to dance
I want you to write
I want you to elevate
And be out of site
I want you to sing
I want you to cry
I want you be spiritual
Reach, stretch, and climb high 
I want you to give love
Without questions or reason
I want you to know victory
It comes in an unknown season
I want you to know, my daughter,
That my heart you have forever
I want you find no doubt in my word
No, please, not ever 
I want you to be fabulous
For there is no other state of mind
I want you to conquer the world
And always, always be kind 
I want you to be elegant
Strut your stuff like a Queen
I want you to be tolerant
Find no reasons to be mean 
I want you to set your standards
To be so very high
That even a soaring bird would think
‘Oh me, oh me, oh my’ 
Janiyah, stand firm, and please ‘never be defeated’ because
Life is guaranteed to come apart every now and then 
Just know that, with UNSHAKEABLE FAITH, love, and a trusting heart
you’re always going to grow stronger, and accomplish an amazing Win
With unconditional and infinite love,
Your mommy, 
 Mildred Armesia Elizabeth 'Missie' Shealey 
(yes, that is really my whole name)

It's Just Our Imagination

I would like to welcome you to Just Our Imagination
I created this blog so that I could share with you our vast amount of constant flowing Creativity, Insight and Fabulousness. I LOVE- Growing in HAPPINESS, my daughter Janiyah,Inspiration, Eggplant purple, Sweet mangoes, Creating, Creating and oh, did I say Creating?
Ok, I think you get it, right?
Here you will find an endless array of uplifting ,and sometimes challenging, articles, videos and information based on , that's right, our 'two sense'. So please, sit back, wrap up in that wonderful and cozy animal print throw, get your biggest cup ever of  green tea, (jasmine or mango are my favorites) and  welcome to Just Our Imagination!